
Permission model

OMS permission model tries to be friendly with those who are familiar with the unix permission model, nevertheless it offers several enhancements.

Each object has a list of Access Control Entries (ACE), called Access Control List (ACL).

An ACE is composed of a principal, a mode and a permission.

A principal is either an user or a group.

The mode can be either Allow or Deny

The possible permissions are:

  1. read (r) the principal can get the value(s) object
  2. write (w) the principal can perform modification of the object
  3. execute (x) the principal can perform actions on the object
  4. delete (d) the principal can delete the object
  5. view (v) the principal can see that the object exists, but not necessary get it’s value(s)
  6. admin (a) the principal can do everything on the object

The ACL of an object can be viewed with the getfacl command:

user@oms:/# getfacl /

This means that the user john has two Allow ACEs, one allowing the view permission and the other allowing the read permission, and two Deny ACEs, one denying the write permission and the other denying the delete permission.

Deny ACEs take precedence over Allow permissions, declared in the object or inherited from the parents.

The ACL can be manipulated with the setfacl command:

user@oms:/# setfacl / -m u:john:vr -d u:john:wd
user@oms:/# getfacl /

user@oms:/# setfacl / -x u:john:d -m u:john:d -d u:john:r
user@oms:/# getfacl /

In order to appreciate the difference between adding a denial with a Deny ACE (with -d) vs removing an entry with an Allow ACE (with -x), we have to take a closer look at permission inheritance.

Permission inheritance

ACL are inherited by containment. For example if you grant the admin permission for a principal on the root object /, then that principal will have admin permission on the whole namespace, except when explicitly denied in a given subtree.

ACLs are not propagated through symlinks; the inheritance is defined on the primary hierarchy.


Each OMS permission is defined a set of rights which are more fine grained and depend on the actual object being secured. Examples of OMS permission rights are as @read, @rest, @poweroff, ... Some rights (like @read) might have the same name as the permission, but they are not the same concept.

Rights allow us to define the exact meaning of a given permission, and to fine-tune what can be actually done by principals having a given permission.

The mapping between a permission and it’s rights is defined globally in the oms_permissions file and this mapping can be extended on a per-type basis.

You can even override the mapping between a permission and it’s rights for a particular object instance, e.g you can revoke the grant @shutdown to those who have write permission on a given Compute object, while retaining all the existing rights associated with write (e.g. access the console etc).

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