Source code for opennode.oms.zodb.proxy

# adapted from generic python proxy code available at
# credit to Goncalo Rodrigues on Tue, 18 Nov 2003 (PSF)

from twisted.python.threadable import isInIOThread
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import defer

from opennode.oms.config import get_config

__all__ = ['PersistentProxy', 'make_persistent_proxy']

[docs]def make_persistent_proxy(res, context={}): import inspect if res is None: return None if isinstance(res, type): return res if any((isinstance(res, basestring), isinstance(res, int), isinstance(res, float), isinstance(res, defer.Deferred))): return res if inspect.isroutine(res) or res.__class__ == ([].__str__).__class__: return CallableViralProxy(res, context) return PersistentProxy(res, context)
def remove_persistent_proxy(obj): try: return object.__getattribute__(obj, '_obj') except AttributeError: return obj def get_peristent_context(obj): try: return object.__getattribute__(obj, '_context') except AttributeError: pass try: return getattr(obj, '_v_context', {}) except AttributeError: return {} def forbidden_outside_transaction(self, name): return (name not in ['__class__', '__providedBy__', '__implements__', '__conform__'] and hasattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj"), '_p_jar')) def ensure_fixed_up(self, name, op): from opennode.oms.zodb.db import ref, deref if not forbidden_outside_transaction(self, name): return if isInIOThread(): msg = ("Cannot %s '%s' attribute from persistent proxy object '%s' " "while in the main thread" % (op, name, self)) if get_config().getboolean('debug', 'print_exceptions'): log.msg(msg, system='zodb') import traceback traceback.print_stack() raise Exception(msg) oid = ref(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")) if oid is not None: new_obj = deref(oid) object.__setattr__(self, "_obj", new_obj) object.__setattr__(self, "_fixed_up", True)
[docs]class PersistentProxy(object): """This is a proxy object which tracks attribute acces when the persistent object is outsite a living transaction (e.g. when returned from a db.transact deferred). The access will cause an exception if it's done in the main thread. Access done in a zodb thread will cause the object to be reloaded in the current transaction. """ __slots__ = ["_obj", "__weakref__"] def __init__(self, obj, context): # we want to keep the context even when we unproxy the object # like when a method is executed and `self` was a proxy try: obj._v_context = context except AttributeError: # cannot write to builting objects pass object.__setattr__(self, "_obj", obj) object.__setattr__(self, "_context", context) object.__setattr__(self, "_fixed_up", False) # # proxying (special cases) # def __getattribute__(self, name): ensure_fixed_up(self, name, 'read') res = getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj"), name) if name not in ['__providedBy__']: return make_persistent_proxy(res, get_peristent_context(self)) return res def __delattr__(self, name): delattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj"), name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): ensure_fixed_up(self, name, 'write') setattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj"), name, value) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")) def __str__(self): return str(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")) def __repr__(self): return repr(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")) # # factories # _special_names = [ '__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__call__', '__cmp__', '__coerce__', '__contains__', '__delitem__', '__delslice__', '__div__', '__divmod__', '__eq__', '__float__', '__floordiv__', '__ge__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__hex__', '__iadd__', '__iand__', '__idiv__', '__idivmod__', '__ifloordiv__', '__ilshift__', '__imod__', '__imul__', '__int__', '__invert__', '__ior__', '__ipow__', '__irshift__', '__isub__', '__iter__', '__itruediv__', '__ixor__', '__le__', '__len__', '__long__', '__lshift__', '__lt__', '__mod__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__neg__', '__oct__', '__or__', '__pos__', '__pow__', '__radd__', '__rand__', '__rdiv__', '__rdivmod__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__reversed__', '__rfloorfiv__', '__rlshift__', '__rmod__', '__rmul__', '__ror__', '__rpow__', '__rrshift__', '__rshift__', '__rsub__', '__rtruediv__', '__rxor__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__sub__', '__truediv__', '__xor__', 'next', ] _proxied_specials = ['__iter__', 'next'] @classmethod def _create_class_proxy(cls, theclass): """creates a proxy for the given class""" def make_method(name): def method(self, *args, **kw): if name == '__cmp__': return cmp(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj"), *args) res = getattr(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj"), name)(*args, **kw) if name in cls._proxied_specials: return make_persistent_proxy(res, get_peristent_context(self)) return res return method namespace = {} for name in cls._special_names: if name in dir(theclass): namespace[name] = make_method(name) return type("%s(%s)" % (cls.__name__, theclass.__name__), (cls,), namespace) def __new__(cls, obj, *args, **kwargs): """ creates an proxy instance referencing `obj`. (obj, *args, **kwargs) are passed to this class' __init__, so deriving classes can define an __init__ method of their own. note: _class_proxy_cache is unique per deriving class (each deriving class must hold its own cache) """ try: cache = cls.__dict__["_class_proxy_cache"] except KeyError: cls._class_proxy_cache = cache = {} try: theclass = cache[obj.__class__] except KeyError: cache[obj.__class__] = theclass = cls._create_class_proxy(obj.__class__) ins = object.__new__(theclass) theclass.__init__(ins, obj, *args, **kwargs) return ins
class CallableViralProxy(PersistentProxy): def __init__(self, obj, context): # we want to keep the context even when we unproxy the object # like when a method is executed and `self` was a proxy try: obj._v_context = context except AttributeError: # cannot write to builting objects pass object.__setattr__(self, "_obj", obj) object.__setattr__(self, "_context", context) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return make_persistent_proxy(object.__getattribute__(self, "_obj")(*args, **kwargs), get_peristent_context(self))

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