Source code for opennode.oms.tests.test_compute

"""The Compute schema belongs to the knot plugin, but here we have to repeat it because of old unit tests"""

# XXX: this can be removed when parts of test_ssh will be rewritten using another model
# currently it cannot be done because we don't have a builtin OMS core model as complex as Compute

from __future__ import absolute_import

from grokcore.component import context
from zope import schema
from zope.component import provideSubscriptionAdapter
from zope.interface import Interface, implements, alsoProvides
from import permissions

from opennode.oms.model.model.actions import ActionsContainerExtension
from opennode.oms.model.model.base import IContainer, Container, AddingContainer, IIncomplete, IDisplayName, ContainerInjector
from opennode.oms.model.model.root import OmsRoot
from opennode.oms.model.model.byname import ByNameContainerExtension
#from opennode.oms.model.model.console import Consoles
#from import NetworkInterfaces, NetworkRoutes
from import ModelTags
#from opennode.oms.model.model.template import Templates
from opennode.oms.model.model.symlink import Symlink
#from opennode.oms.backend.operation import IFuncInstalled
from opennode.oms.model.schema import Path

M = 10 ** 6

class ICompute(Interface):
    # Network parameters
    hostname = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"Host name", min_length=3)
    ipv4_address = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"IPv4 address", min_length=7, required=False)
    ipv6_address = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"IPv6 address", min_length=6, required=False)
    nameservers = schema.List(
        title=u"Nameservers", description=u"IPs of DNS servers",
        value_type=schema.TextLine(), required=False)
    dns_domains = schema.List(
        title=u"DNS Domains", description=u"Domain names used for DNS host name lookup",
        value_type=schema.TextLine(), required=False)

    # Hardware/platform info
    architecture = schema.Tuple(
        title=u"Architecture", description=u"OS arch, OS type, OS distribution/flavour",
        value_type=schema.TextLine(), max_length=3, min_length=3,
    cpu_info = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"CPU Info", description=u"Info about the CPU such as model, speed in Hz, cache size",
    os_release = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"OS Release", description=u"OS version info",
    kernel = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"Kernel", description=u"Kernel version (if applicable)",
    disk_info = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"Disk Info", description=u"Info about the physical installed disk(s)",
    memory_info = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"Memory Info", description=(u"Info about the physical installed memory "
                     "banks such as model, make, speed, latency"),

    # State
    state = schema.Choice(
        title=u"State", values=(u'active', u'inactive', u'suspended'))
    effective_state = schema.TextLine(
        title=u"Effective state", readonly=True, required=False)

    # Processing/network capabilities:
    num_cores = schema.Int(
        title=u"Num. Cores", description=u"Total number of cores across all CPUs",
    memory = schema.Int(
        title=u"RAM Size", description=u"RAM size in MB",
    diskspace = schema.Dict(
        title=u"Disk size", description=u"List of disk partition sizes",
        key_type=schema.TextLine(), value_type=schema.Float(),
    network = schema.Float(
        title=u"Network", description=u"Network bandwidth in Bps",
    swap_size = schema.Int(
        title=u"Swap Size", description=u"Swap size",

    # Resource utilization/load:
    cpu_usage = schema.Tuple(
        title=u"CPU Load", description=u"CPU load during the past 1, 5 and 15 minutes",
    memory_usage = schema.Float(
        title=u"Memory Usage", description=u"Memory usage in MB",
    diskspace_usage = schema.Dict(
        title=u"Diskspace Utilization", description=u"List of disk partition usages",
        key_type=schema.TextLine(), value_type=schema.Float(),
    network_usage = schema.Tuple(
        title=u"Network Load", description=u"Network load in B/s (incoming and outgoing)",

    # VM only
    template = Path(title=u"Template", required=False, base_path='../../templates/by-name/')
    cpu_limit = schema.Float(title=u"CPU Limit", description=u"CPU usage limit", required=False)

class IInCompute(Interface):
    """Implementors of this interface can be contained in a `Compute` container."""

class IDeployed(Interface):
    """Marker interface implemented when the compute has been deployed."""

class IUndeployed(Interface):
    """Marker interface implemented when the compute has not been deployed yet."""

[docs]class Compute(Container): """A compute node.""" implements(ICompute, IDisplayName) permissions(dict(architecture='read', state='modify')) __contains__ = IInCompute _ipv4_address = u'' ipv6_address = u'::/128' nameservers = [] dns_domains = [] type = 'unknown' # XXX: how should this be determined? # and how do we differentiate for ONC physical and virtual computes? architecture = (u'x86_64', u'linux', u'centos') cpu_info = u"Intel Xeon 12.2GHz" disk_info = u"Seagate Barracuda SuperSaver 2000TB BuyNow!" memory_info = u"1333MHz DDR SuperGoodMemory!" os_release = u"build 35" kernel = u"2.6.18-238.9.1.el5.028stab089.1" num_cores = 1 memory = 2048, network = 12.5 * M # bytes diskspace = { u'total': 2000.0, u'root': 500.0, u'boot': 100.0, u'storage': 1000.0, } swap_size = 4192 cpu_usage = (0.1, 0.11, 0.14) memory_usage = 773.2 network_usage = (5.2 * M, 1.9 * M) diskspace_usage = { u'root': 249.0, u'boot': 49.3, u'storage': 748.3, } cpu_limit = 1.0 autostart = False startup_timestamp = "2011-07-06 01:23:45" def __init__(self, hostname, state, memory=None, template=None, ipv4_address=None): super(Compute, self).__init__() self.hostname = hostname self.memory = memory self.state = state self.template = template if ipv4_address: self._ipv4_address = ipv4_address #if self.template: # alsoProvides(self, IVirtualCompute) #else: # alsoProvides(self, IFuncInstalled) alsoProvides(self, IIncomplete) alsoProvides(self, IUndeployed) assert self.hostname
[docs] def display_name(self): return self.hostname.encode('utf-8')
[docs] def nicknames(self): """Returns all the nicknames of this Compute instance. Nicknames can be used to traverse to this object using alternative, potentially more convenient and/more memorable, names. """ return [self.hostname, ]
[docs] def get_effective_state(self): """Since we lack schema/data upgrade scripts I have to resort on this tricks to cope with the fact that I have existing objects around in the several test dbs, and branches. """ return getattr(self, '_effective_state', unicode(self.state))
[docs] def set_effective_state(self, value): self._effective_state = value
effective_state = property(get_effective_state, set_effective_state) def __str__(self): return 'compute%s' % self.__name__
[docs] def get_consoles(self): return None
[docs] def set_consoles(self, value): pass
consoles = property(get_consoles, set_consoles) @property
[docs] def templates(self): return None
[docs] def get_interfaces(self): return None
[docs] def set_interfaces(self, value): pass
interfaces = property(get_interfaces, set_interfaces)
[docs] def get_routes(self): return None
[docs] def set_routes(self, value): pass
routes = property(get_routes, set_routes) @property
[docs] def ipv4_address(self): if 'interfaces' not in self._items: return self._ipv4_address addresses = [i.ipv4_address for i in self._items['interfaces'] if i.ipv4_address] if not addresses: return self._ipv4_address return unicode(addresses[0])
[docs]class ComputeTags(ModelTags): context(Compute)
[docs] def auto_tags(self): res = [u'state:' + self.context.state] if self.context.architecture: for i in self.context.architecture: res.append(u'arch:' + i) #from .virtualizationcontainer import IVirtualizationContainer #if IVirtualCompute.providedBy(self.context) and IVirtualizationContainer.providedBy(self.context.__parent__): # res.append(u'virt_type:' + self.context.__parent__.backend) return res
class IVirtualCompute(Interface): """A virtual compute.""" autostart = schema.Bool(title=u"Autostart", description=u"Start on boot", required=False)
[docs]class Computes(AddingContainer): __name__ = 'computes' __contains__ = Compute def __str__(self): return 'Compute list' @property def _items(self): # break an import cycle from opennode.oms.zodb import db machines = db.get_root()['oms_root']['machines'] computes = {} def collect(container): for item in container.listcontent(): if ICompute.providedBy(item): computes[item.__name__] = Symlink(item.__name__, item) if IContainer.providedBy(item): collect(item) collect(machines) return computes def _add(self, item): # break an import cycle from opennode.oms.zodb import db machines = db.get_root()['oms_root']['machines'] return (machines.hangar if IVirtualCompute.providedBy(item) else machines).add(item) def __delitem__(self, key): item = self._items[key] if isinstance(item, Symlink): del[]
provideSubscriptionAdapter(ActionsContainerExtension, adapts=(Compute, )) provideSubscriptionAdapter(ByNameContainerExtension, adapts=(Computes, ))
[docs]class ComputesRootInjector(ContainerInjector): context(OmsRoot) __class__ = Computes ###############
from zope.component import provideSubscriptionAdapter #from .base import Container #from .byname import ByNameContainerExtension #from .compute import Compute #from .hangar import Hangar
[docs]class Machines(Container): __contains__ = Compute __name__ = 'machines' def __init__(self): super(Machines, self).__init__() def __str__(self): return 'Machines list' #provideSubscriptionAdapter(ByNameContainerExtension, adapts=(Machines, ))
[docs]class MachinesRootInjector(ContainerInjector): context(OmsRoot) __class__ = Machines ###
from opennode.oms.model.model import creatable_models compute_creatable_models = dict((cls.__name__.lower(), cls) for cls in [Compute]) creatable_models.update(compute_creatable_models)

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