Source code for

import inspect

from zope.authentication.interfaces import IAuthentication
from zope.component import getUtility
from import thread_local
from import IPrincipal
from zope.securitypolicy.zopepolicy import ZopeSecurityPolicy

[docs]class OmsSecurityPolicy(ZopeSecurityPolicy): """A Security Policy represents an interaction with a principal and performs the actual checks. The default zope security system depends on keeping the current interaction in a thread local variable. OMS is based on the twisted async model and thus we avoid setting the current interaction within the current thread, as it could be used by different callbacks in the reactor. We rely on a custom checker (see for embedding the interaction inside the security proxy itself; however in some cases we need to use security proxies which are created by other libraries (like secured adapters created for IPrincipalRoleManager) and in that cases we need to temporarily setup an interaction for the current thread, but we have to avoid that it leaks out to other coroutines. For that end, we extend ZopeSecurityPolicy in such a way that it can be used as: >>> with interaction: ... primrole = IPrincipalRoleManager(obj) ... primrole.getRolesForPrincipal(id) ... # ... The `with` context guard will ensure that the function containing this construct is not a generator, because using it in a defer.inlineCallbacks method will result in leaking the interaction to other goroutines. """ def __enter__(self): frame = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1][0] if frame.f_code.co_flags & 0x20: raise Exception("Cannot use thread based security interaction while in a generator") thread_local.interaction = self def __exit__(self, *args): del thread_local.interaction
[docs]class SessionStub(object): def __init__(self, principal=None): self.principal = principal self.interaction = None
[docs]def new_interaction(principal): if not IPrincipal.providedBy(principal): auth = getUtility(IAuthentication, context=None) principal = auth.getPrincipal(principal) interaction = OmsSecurityPolicy() interaction.add(SessionStub(principal)) return interaction

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