Source code for opennode.oms.model.model.plugins

from __future__ import absolute_import

import pkg_resources
import sys

from grokcore.component import subscribe
from pkg_resources import working_set
from zope import schema
from zope.interface import Interface, implements

from .base import ReadonlyContainer, Model
from opennode.oms import config
from opennode.oms.util import Singleton
from opennode.oms.core import IApplicationInitializedEvent

class IPluginInfo(Interface):
    name = schema.TextLine(title=u"Plugin name")

class IPlugin(Interface):
    def initialize():
        """Called when the plugin is initialized"""

[docs]class PluginInfo(Model): implements(IPluginInfo) def __init__(self, parent, name): self.__parent__ = parent self.__name__ = name
[docs] def initialize(): pass
[docs]class Plugins(ReadonlyContainer): __metaclass__ = Singleton __name__ = 'plugins' ENTRY_POINT_NAME = 'oms.plugins' def __init__(self): self._items = {}
[docs] def load_eggs(self, search_path, auto_enable=None): # Note that the following doesn't seem to support unicode search_path distributions, errors = working_set.find_plugins( pkg_resources.Environment(search_path) ) for dist in distributions: if dist not in working_set: working_set.add(dist) def _log_error(item, e): print "[plugins] error loading", item, e for dist, e in errors.iteritems(): # ignore version conflict of modules which are not OMS plugins if self.ENTRY_POINT_NAME in dist.get_entry_map(): _log_error(dist, e) for entry in sorted(working_set.iter_entry_points(self.ENTRY_POINT_NAME), key=lambda entry: # print '[plugins] Loading %s from %s' % (, entry.dist.location) try: entry.load(require=True) except Exception, e: _log_error(entry, e) else: yield entry
[docs] def load_plugin(self, entry): from grokcore.component.testing import grok grok(entry.module_name) plugin_class = entry.load() if IPluginInfo.implementedBy(plugin_class): plugin = plugin_class(self, else: plugin = plugin_class() if IPlugin.implementedBy(plugin_class): plugin.initialize() return plugin
[docs] def load_plugins(self): plugins = [] for entrypoint in self.load_eggs(sys.path): plugin = self.load_plugin(entrypoint) pinfo = plugin if IPluginInfo.providedBy(plugin) else PluginInfo(self, plugins.append(pinfo) self._items[] = pinfo config.update() for plugin in plugins: plugin.initialize()
[docs]def load_plugins(event): Plugins().load_plugins()

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