Source code for opennode.oms.model.model.actions

from __future__ import absolute_import

import martian
from grokcore.component import Subscription, baseclass, querySubscriptions
from zope.interface import implements

from .base import IContainerExtender, ReadonlyContainer
from .bin import ICommand, Command

[docs]class ActionsContainer(ReadonlyContainer): """Implements a dynamic view containing actions that can be performed on a given object. """ __name__ = 'actions' def __init__(self, parent): self.__parent__ = parent
[docs] def content(self): actions = querySubscriptions(self.__parent__, ICommand) return dict((i._name, Command(i._name, self, i.cmd)) for i in actions)
[docs]class ActionsContainerExtension(Subscription): implements(IContainerExtender) baseclass()
[docs] def extend(self): return {'actions': ActionsContainer(self.context)}
[docs]class Action(Subscription): implements(ICommand) baseclass()
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple()
[docs]class action(martian.Directive): """Use this directive on adapters used to define actions for specific model objects.""" scope = martian.CLASS store = martian.ONCE default = None
[docs]class ActionGrokker(martian.ClassGrokker): martian.component(Subscription) martian.directive(action)
[docs] def execute(self, class_, action, **kw): if action is None: return False if getattr(class_, 'cmd', None) is None: class_.cmd = _action_decorator_parametrized(class_)(class_.execute) class_._name = action return True
def _action_decorator_parametrized(cls): def _action_decorator(fun): """ Decorate a method so that it behaves as a property which returns a Cmd object. """ from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.base import Cmd from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmdline import ICmdArgumentsSyntax, VirtualConsoleArgumentParser from opennode.oms.zodb import db from opennode.oms.zodb.proxy import make_persistent_proxy @property def cmd(wself): this = wself class ActionCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) name = wself._name _name = wself._name aliases = None subject = wself.subject def arguments(self): return VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() def execute(self, args): # we obtained `this` before the action exited from the db.transact decorator # thus we need to reapply the db proxy this.context = make_persistent_proxy(this.context, db.context(self)) return fun(this, self, args) if hasattr(cls, 'arguments'): def action_arguments(self): return cls.arguments(this) ActionCmd.arguments = action_arguments return ActionCmd return cmd return _action_decorator

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