Source code for opennode.oms.endpoint.webterm.ssh

import os

from twisted.conch.ssh import transport, keys, userauth
from twisted.conch.ssh import connection, channel, session, common
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, protocol

[docs]def ssh_connect_interactive_shell(user, host, port, transport, set_channel, size, command=None): if host == '': raise Exception("invalid ip address '%s'" % host) protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SSHClientTransport, transport, set_channel, size, user, host, command).connectTCP(host, port)
[docs]class SSHClientTransport(transport.SSHClientTransport): """Performs a SSH connection to a server.""" def __init__(self, terminal_transport, set_channel, terminal_size, user, host, command): self.terminal_transport = terminal_transport self.set_channel = set_channel self.terminal_size = terminal_size self.user = user = host self.command = command
[docs] def verifyHostKey(self, pubKey, fingerprint): # TODO: check fingerprints? return defer.succeed(1)
[docs] def connectionSecure(self): self.requestService(ClientUserAuth(self.user, SSHShellConnection(self.terminal_transport, self.set_channel, self.terminal_size, self.command)))
[docs] def connectionLost(self, reason): transport.SSHClientTransport.connectionLost(self, reason) self.terminal_transport.loseConnection()
[docs]class ClientUserAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient): """Performs ssh connection authentication on behalf of a SSHClientTransport. Public key authentication is designed to be performed with the OMS service key. The OMS thus takes the responsibility to authorize a given principal and then logs in on his behalf. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Read the pub/priv keys from the standard location of the OMS home directory.""" # Super is old-style class userauth.SSHUserAuthClient.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) names = ['id_oms_dsa', 'id_oms_rsa', 'id_fake_dsa', 'id_fake_rsa', 'id_dsa', 'id_rsa'] def read(ext): home = os.environ['HOME'] for base in names: name = '%s/.ssh/%s%s' % (home, base, ext) if os.path.exists(name): f = open(name, 'r') return return None self.publicKey = read('.pub') self.privateKey = read('')
[docs] def getPublicKey(self): """Return the public key unless we already failed our previous publickey auth attempt.""" if self.lastAuth == 'publickey': return None return keys.Key.fromString(data=self.publicKey).blob()
[docs] def getPrivateKey(self): return defer.succeed( keys.Key.fromString(data=self.privateKey).keyObject)
[docs] def getPassword(self, prompt=None): """Conch expects a deferred which will yield a password to try. Writes a prompt and redirect the terminal input to a password reader which will callback a deferred and thus yield a password to conch. The terminal input will be automatically handled over to the ssh channel after successful authentication. """ terminal = self.transport.terminal_transport # is stored as a unicode object and Twisted conch # doesn't like it prompt = u"%s@%s's password: " % (self.user, terminal.write(prompt.encode('ascii')) deferred_password = defer.Deferred() class PasswordReader(object): def __init__(self): self.password = "" def write(self, ch): if ch == '\x7f': self.password = self.password[:-1] elif ch == '\r': if not deferred_password.called: deferred_password.callback(self.password) terminal.write('\r\n') else: self.password += ch self.transport.set_channel(PasswordReader()) return deferred_password
[docs]class SSHShellConnection(connection.SSHConnection): """Represents a SSH client connection opening a interactive remote shell. """ def __init__(self, terminal_transport, set_channel, terminal_size, command): connection.SSHConnection.__init__(self) self.terminal_transport = terminal_transport self.set_channel = set_channel self.terminal_size = terminal_size self.command = command
[docs] def serviceStarted(self): self.openChannel(ShellChannel(conn=self))
[docs]class ShellChannel(channel.SSHChannel): """This is the core of the interactive ssh shell. """ name = 'session' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Super is old-style class channel.SSHChannel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.terminal_transport = self.conn.terminal_transport
[docs] def channelOpen(self, data): self.conn.set_channel(self) data = session.packRequest_pty_req('xterm-color', (self.conn.terminal_size[1], self.conn.terminal_size[0], 0, 0), '') deferred = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'pty-req', data, wantReply=1) @deferred def on_success(ignored): if self.conn.command: self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS(self.conn.command), wantReply=1) else: self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'shell', '', wantReply=1)
[docs] def dataReceived(self, data): if self.terminal_transport: self.terminal_transport.write(data)
[docs] def closed(self): self.terminal_transport.loseConnection() self.loseConnection()
[docs] def terminalSize(self, width, height): data = session.packRequest_window_change((height, width, 0, 0)) self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'window-change', data, wantReply=0)

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