Source code for

import collections
import transaction

from grokcore.component import implements
from zope.authentication.interfaces import IAuthentication
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IPrincipalRoleManager
from zope.securitypolicy.rolepermission import rolePermissionManager
from zope.securitypolicy.principalrole import principalRoleManager as prinroleG

from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.base import Cmd
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.directives import command
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmdline import ICmdArgumentsSyntax, VirtualConsoleArgumentParser, MergeListAction
from import proxy_factory
from import Role
from import User, Group, effective_principals
from opennode.oms.zodb import db

[docs]class NoSuchPermission(Exception): pass
[docs]class WhoAmICmd(Cmd): command('whoami')
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.write("%s\n" %
[docs]def effective_perms(interaction, obj): def roles_for(role_manager, obj): allowed = {} for g in effective_principals(interaction): for role, setting in role_manager.getRolesForPrincipal( allowed[role] = setting.getName() == 'Allow' return allowed def parents(o): while o: yield o o = o.__parent__ effective_allowed = roles_for(prinroleG, obj) with interaction: for p in reversed(list(parents(obj))): effective_allowed.update(roles_for(IPrincipalRoleManager(p), p)) return [k for k, v in effective_allowed.items() if v]
[docs]def pretty_effective_perms(interaction, obj): perms = effective_perms(interaction, obj) return ''.join(i if Role.nick_to_role[i].id in perms else '-' for i in sorted(Role.nick_to_role.keys()))
[docs]class PermCheckCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('permcheck')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('path') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-p', action='store_true', help="Show effective permissions for a given object") group.add_argument('-r', action=MergeListAction, nargs='+', help="Check if the user has some rights on a given object") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): obj = self.traverse(args.path) if not obj: self.write("No such object %s\n" % args.path) return if args.p: self.write("Effective permissions: %s\n" % pretty_effective_perms(self.protocol.interaction, obj)) elif args.r: self.check_rights(obj, args)
[docs] def check_rights(self, obj, args): interaction = self.protocol.interaction obj = proxy_factory(obj, interaction) allowed = [] denied = [] for r in args.r: for i in r.split(','): i = i.strip() if i.startswith('@'): i = i[1:] (allowed if interaction.checkPermission(i, obj) else denied).append(i) self.write("+%s:-%s\n" % (','.join('@' + i for i in allowed), ','.join('@' + i for i in denied)))
[docs]class GetAclCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('getfacl')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help="show grants for every permission") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): for path in args.paths: obj = self.traverse(path) if not obj: self.write("No such object %s\n" % path) continue self._do_print_acl(obj, args.v)
def _do_print_acl(self, obj, verbose): prinrole = IPrincipalRoleManager(obj) auth = getUtility(IAuthentication, context=None) user_allow = collections.defaultdict(list) user_deny = collections.defaultdict(list) users = set() for role, principal, setting in prinrole.getPrincipalsAndRoles(): users.add(principal) if setting.getName() == 'Allow': user_allow[principal].append(role) else: user_deny[principal].append(role) for principal in users: def formatted_perms(perms): prin = auth.getPrincipal(principal) typ = 'group' if isinstance(prin, Group) else 'user' if verbose: def grants(i): return ','.join('@%s' % i[0] for i in rolePermissionManager.getPermissionsForRole(i) if i[0] != 'oms.nothing') return (typ, principal, ''.join('%s{%s}' % (Role.role_to_nick.get(i, '(%s)' % i), grants(i)) for i in sorted(perms))) else: return (typ, principal, ''.join(Role.role_to_nick.get(i, '(%s)' % i) for i in sorted(perms))) if principal in user_allow: self.write("%s:%s:+%s\n" % formatted_perms(user_allow[principal])) if principal in user_deny: self.write("%s:%s:-%s\n" % formatted_perms(user_deny[principal]))
[docs]class SetAclCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('setfacl')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) group.add_argument('-m', action='append', help="add an Allow ace: {u:[user]:permspec|g:[group]:permspec}") group.add_argument('-d', action='append', help="add an Deny ace: {u:[user]:permspec|g:[group]:permspec}") group.add_argument('-x', action='append', help="remove an ace: {u:[user]:permspec|g:[group]:permspec}") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): try: for path in args.paths: obj = self.traverse(path) with self.protocol.interaction: self._do_set_acl(obj, args.m, args.d, args.x) except NoSuchPermission as e: self.write("No such permission '%s'\n" % (e.message)) transaction.abort()
def _do_set_acl(self, obj, allow_perms, deny_perms, del_perms): prinrole = IPrincipalRoleManager(obj) auth = getUtility(IAuthentication, context=None) def mod_perm(what, setter, p): kind, principal, perms = p.split(':') if not perms: return prin = auth.getPrincipal(principal) if isinstance(prin, Group) and kind == 'u': self.write("No such user '%s', it's a group, perhaps you mean 'g:%s:%s'\n" % (principal, principal, perms)) return elif type(prin) is User and kind == 'g': self.write("No such group '%s', it's an user (%s), perhaps you mean 'u:%s:%s'\n" % (principal, prin, principal, perms)) return for perm in perms.strip(): if perm not in Role.nick_to_role: raise NoSuchPermission(perm) role = Role.nick_to_role[perm].id self.write("%s permission '%s', principal '%s'\n" % (what, role, principal)) setter(role, principal) for p in allow_perms or []: mod_perm("Allowing", prinrole.assignRoleToPrincipal, p) for p in deny_perms or []: mod_perm("Denying", prinrole.removeRoleFromPrincipal, p) for p in del_perms or []: mod_perm("Unsetting", prinrole.unsetRoleForPrincipal, p) transaction.commit()

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