Source code for opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.registry

from .base import Cmd

_commands = {}

[docs]def commands(): """A map of command names to command objects.""" return _commands
[docs]def get_command(name): """Returns the command class for a given name. Returns NoCommand if the name is empty. Returns UnknownCommand if the command does not exist. """ # TODO: Is this approach needed as opposed to handling it # upstream? Is this a result of over engineering? class UndefinedCommand(Cmd): def __call__(self, *args): self.terminal.write("No such command: %s\n" % name) def dist(a, b): return len(set(a) ^ set(b)) candidates = [v for v in _commands.keys() if dist(name, v) < 4 and v] if len(name) > 2 and candidates: self.terminal.write("Do you mean '%s'?\n" % min(candidates, key=lambda v: dist(name, v))) = name return _commands.get(name, UndefinedCommand)

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