Source code for opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.commands

import datetime
import os
import re
import time

import transaction
import zope.schema
from grokcore.component import implements, Adapter, Subscription, baseclass, order
from twisted.conch.insults.insults import modes
from twisted.internet import defer, utils
from twisted.python import log

from zope.component import provideSubscriptionAdapter, provideAdapter, handle
from import removeSecurityProxy

from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.editor import Editor
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.editable import IEditable
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.base import Cmd
from import pretty_effective_perms
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.directives import command, alias
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmdline import (ICmdArgumentsSyntax, IContextualCmdArgumentsSyntax,
                                               GroupDictAction, VirtualConsoleArgumentParser)
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.colored_columnize import columnize
from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.terminal import BLUE, CYAN, GREEN
from opennode.oms.model.form import ApplyRawData, ModelDeletedEvent
from opennode.oms.model.model import creatable_models
from opennode.oms.model.model.base import IContainer, IIncomplete
from opennode.oms.model.model.bin import ICommand
from opennode.oms.model.model.proc import Proc
from opennode.oms.model.model.symlink import Symlink, follow_symlinks
from opennode.oms.model.schema import Path, get_schema_fields, model_to_dict
from opennode.oms.model.traversal import canonical_path
from import effective_principals
from opennode.oms.zodb import db

[docs]class NoCommand(Cmd): """Represents the fact that there is no command yet.""" command('') def __call__(self, *args): """Just do nothing."""
[docs]class CommonArgs(Subscription): """Just an example of common args, not actually sure that -v is needed in every command.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) baseclass() order(-1)
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', help="be verbose, use it multiple times to increase verbosity") return parser
[docs]class ChangeDirCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('cd')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('path', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('-P', action='store_true', help="use physical directory structure instead of following symbolic links") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): if not args.path: self.path = [self.path[0]] self.obj_path = [self.obj_path[0]] return # Cleanup '..'s from path using the logical path. # Only handles trailing '..'s for now. self._resolve_up_dir(args) # Delegate path traversal to physical traversal. # It's possible that we emptied the path by removing all '..'s. self._resolve_path(args) # Recompute new absolute path if physical path was requested. self._resolve_physical_path(args)
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple((self.current_obj, self.traverse(args.path if args.path else self.path[0])))
def _resolve_physical_path(self, args): # Recompute new absolute path if physical path was requested. if args.P: current = self.current_obj self.path = [] self.obj_path = [] while current: self.path.insert(0, current.__name__) self.obj_path.insert(0, db.ref(current)) current = current.__parent__ def _resolve_path(self, args): # Delegate path traversal to physical traversal. # It's possible that we emptied the path by removing all '..'s. if args.path: if args.path == '-': if self.protocol.path_stack: args.path = self.protocol.path_stack.pop() self.protocol.path_stack.insert(0, self.protocol._cwd()) self._do_traverse(args.path) def _resolve_up_dir(self, args): # Cleanup '..'s from path using the logical path. # Only handles trailing '..'s for now. if not args.P: import itertools ups = len(list(itertools.takewhile(lambda i: i == '..', args.path.split('/')))) ups = min(ups, len(self.path) - 1) if ups: self.path = self.path[0:-ups] self.obj_path = self.obj_path[0:-ups] args.path = args.path[ups * len('../'):] def _do_traverse(self, path): objs, unresolved_path = self.traverse_full(path) if not objs or unresolved_path: self.write('No such object: %s\n' % path) return if not IContainer.providedBy(objs[-1]): self.write('Cannot cd to a non-container\n') return # Fixes #41. if os.path.isabs(path): objs.insert(0, db.deref(self.obj_path[0])) # Handle '//foo/bar//fee' path_components = path.split('/') path_components[1:] = [comp for comp in path_components[1:] if comp != ''] oms_root = self.obj_path[0] if path_components[0] == '': del self.obj_path[:] del self.path[:] for obj, name in zip(objs, path_components): ref = db.ref(obj) if name == '.' or (ref == oms_root and oms_root in self.obj_path): continue self.obj_path.append(ref) self.path.append(name)
[docs]class ListDirContentsCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('ls')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-l', action='store_true', help="long") parser.add_argument('-R', action='store_true', help="recursive") parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', help="list directory entries instead of contents, and do not dereference " "symbolic links") parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='*') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.opts_long = args.l self.opts_dir = args.d self.visited = [] if args.paths: for path in args.paths: obj = self.traverse(path) if not obj: self.write('No such object: %s\n' % path) else: self._do_ls(obj, path, recursive=args.R) else: self._do_ls(self.current_obj, recursive=args.R)
[docs] def subject(self, args): if args.paths: return tuple(self.traverse(path) for path in args.paths) else: return tuple((self.current_obj,))
def _do_ls(self, obj, path='.', recursive=False): assert obj not in self.visited self.visited.append(obj) def pretty_name(item): if IContainer.providedBy(item): return self.protocol.colorize(BLUE, '%s/' % (item.__name__,)) elif ICommand.providedBy(item): return self.protocol.colorize(GREEN, '%s*' % (item.__name__,)) elif isinstance(item, Symlink): return self.protocol.colorize(CYAN, '%s@' % (item.__name__,)) else: return item.__name__ def make_long_lines(container): def nick(item): if isinstance(item, Symlink): return [canonical_path(item)] + getattr(follow_symlinks(item), 'nicknames', []) return getattr(item, 'nicknames', []) return [(('%s %s\t%s\n' % (pretty_effective_perms(self.protocol.interaction, follow_symlinks(subobj)), pretty_name(subobj), ' : '.join(nick(subobj)))).encode('utf8')) for subobj in container] def make_short_lines(container): return columnize([pretty_name(subobj) for subobj in container], displaywidth=self.protocol.width) container = (sorted(filter(lambda i: self.protocol.interaction.checkPermission('view', i), obj.listcontent()), key=lambda o: o.__name__) if IContainer.providedBy(obj) and not self.opts_dir else [obj]) for line in (make_long_lines(container) if self.opts_long else make_short_lines(container)): self.write(line) if recursive and IContainer.providedBy(obj) and not self.opts_dir: for ch in container: child_obj = obj[ch.__name__] if (IContainer.providedBy(child_obj) and not isinstance(child_obj, Symlink) and child_obj not in self.visited): self.write("\n%s:\n" % os.path.join(path, ch.__name__.encode('utf8'))) self._do_ls(child_obj, os.path.join(path, ch.__name__), recursive=True)
provideSubscriptionAdapter(CommonArgs, adapts=(ListDirContentsCmd, ))
[docs]class PrintWorkDirCmd(Cmd): command('pwd')
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.write('%s\n' % self.protocol._cwd())
[docs]class CatObjectCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('cat')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-o', action='append') parser.add_argument('-H', action='store_true') return parser
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple(self.traverse(path) for path in args.paths)
[docs] def execute(self, args): attrs = [] for i in args.o or []: for attr in i.split(','): attrs.append(attr.strip()) for path in args.paths: obj = self.traverse(path) if not obj: self.write("No such object: %s\n" % path) else: self._do_cat(obj, attrs, path if args.H else None)
def _do_cat(self, obj, attrs, filename=None): name = '%s: ' % filename if filename else '' data = [(key, value, name + title) for (key, value), title in zip(model_to_dict(obj).items(), model_to_dict(obj, use_titles=True).keys()) if key in attrs or not attrs] if data: max_title_len = max(len(title) for key, _, title in data) for key, value, title in data: if isinstance(value, dict): # security proxies don't mimic tuple() perfectly # thus cannot be passed to "%" directly pretty_value = ', '.join(['%s:%s' % tuple(i) for i in value.items()]) elif hasattr(value, '__iter__'): strings = [str(i) for i in value] if not isinstance(value, tuple): strings = sorted(strings) pretty_value = ', '.join(strings) else: pretty_value = value self.write("%s\t%s\n" % ((title.encode('utf8') + ':').ljust(max_title_len), str(pretty_value).encode('utf8'))) if not attrs and IIncomplete.providedBy(obj): self.write("-----------------\n") self.write("This %s is incomplete.\n" % (type(removeSecurityProxy(obj)).__name__))
[docs]class RemoveCmd(Cmd): """Deletes an object.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('rm')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+') parser.add_argument('-f', action='store_true') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): for path in args.paths: obj_dir = self.current_obj # cleanup trailing slash if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] if os.path.dirname(path): obj_dir = self.traverse(os.path.dirname(path)) obj = obj_dir[os.path.basename(path)] if not obj_dir or not obj: self.write("No such object: %s\n" % path) continue parent = obj.__parent__ del obj_dir[obj.__name__] try: handle(obj, ModelDeletedEvent(parent)) except Exception: if not args.f: raise
[docs] def subject(self, args): def get_subjects(): for path in args.paths: obj_dir = self.current_obj if path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] if os.path.dirname(path): obj_dir = self.traverse(os.path.dirname(path)) yield obj_dir[os.path.basename(path)] return tuple(obj for obj in get_subjects())
[docs]class MoveCmd(Cmd): """Moves an object.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('mv')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('paths', nargs=2) return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): src_path, dest_path = args.paths src = self.traverse(src_path) dest = self.traverse(dest_path) rename = None # move and rename if not dest: dest = self.traverse(os.path.dirname(dest_path)) rename = os.path.basename(dest_path) if not IContainer.providedBy(dest): self.write("Destination %s has to be a container.\n" % dest) return # `add` will take care of removing the old parent. dest.add(src) if rename: dest.rename(src.__name__, rename) transaction.commit()
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple(self.traverse(path) for path in args.paths)
[docs]class SetAttrCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('set')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('path') return parser
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple((self.traverse(args.path),))
[docs] def execute(self, args): obj = self.traverse(args.path) if not obj: self.write("No such object: %s\n" % args.path) return raw_data = args.keywords if args.verbose: for key, value in raw_data.items(): self.write("Setting %s=%s\n" % (key, value)) form = ApplyRawData(raw_data, obj) if not form.errors: form.apply() else: form.write_errors(to=self) transaction.commit()
provideSubscriptionAdapter(CommonArgs, adapts=(SetAttrCmd, ))
[docs]class CreateObjCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('mk') alias('create') @db.ro_transact(proxy=False)
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple((self.current_obj, ))
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() obj = self.current_obj choices = [] if getattr(obj, '__contains__', None): for name, cls in creatable_models.items(): if obj.can_contain(cls): choices.append(name) parser.add_argument('type', choices=choices, help="object type to be created") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): model_cls = creatable_models.get(args.type) form = ApplyRawData(args.keywords, model=model_cls, marker=getattr(self.current_obj, '__contains__', None)) if not form.errors: obj = form.create() obj_id = self.current_obj.add(obj) self.write("%s\n" % obj_id) else: form.write_errors(to=self)
[docs]class SetOrMkCmdDynamicArguments(Adapter): """Dynamically creates the key=value arguments for the `set` and `mk` commands depending on the object or type being edited or created. """ implements(IContextualCmdArgumentsSyntax) baseclass() @db.transact
[docs] def arguments(self, parser, args, rest): parser.declare_argument('keywords', {}) model_or_obj, args_required = ((creatable_models.get(args.type), True) if == 'mk' else (self.context.traverse(args.path), False)) for name, field, schema in get_schema_fields(model_or_obj, marker=getattr(self.context.current_obj, '__contains__', None)): if field.readonly: continue field = field.bind(model_or_obj) choices = ([i.value.encode('utf-8') for i in field.vocabulary] if isinstance(field, zope.schema.Choice) else None) type = (int if isinstance(field, zope.schema.Int) else None) kwargs = {} if isinstance(field, Path): kwargs['is_path'] = True base_path = '.' if field.relative_to == Path.PARENT: if == 'mk': base_path = self.context.protocol._cwd() else: base_path = canonical_path(model_or_obj.__parent__) kwargs['base_path'] = os.path.join(base_path, field.base_path) parser.add_argument('=%s' % name, required=(args_required and field.required), type=type, action=GroupDictAction, group='keywords', help=field.title.encode('utf8'), choices=choices, **kwargs) return parser
provideAdapter(SetOrMkCmdDynamicArguments, adapts=(SetAttrCmd, )) provideAdapter(SetOrMkCmdDynamicArguments, adapts=(CreateObjCmd, ))
[docs]class LinkCmd(Cmd): """Creates a (sym)link to an object.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('ln')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s', action='store_true', help="ignored, as we only have symbolic links") parser.add_argument('-f', action='store_true', help="Force, delete destination if exists") parser.add_argument('src') parser.add_argument('dst') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): src_obj = self.traverse(args.src) if not src_obj: self.write("cannot create symlink: Source file not found\n") return dst_obj = self.traverse(args.dst) if dst_obj: if args.f: self.write("currently -f is not implemented\n") # del dst_obj.__parent__[dst_obj.__name__] else: self.write("cannot create symlink: File exists\n") return dst_dir = self.current_obj if os.path.dirname(args.dst): dst_dir = self.traverse(os.path.dirname(args.dst)) dst_dir.add(Symlink(os.path.basename(args.dst), src_obj))
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple((self.traverse(args.src), self.traverse(args.dst)))
[docs]class FileCmd(Cmd): """Outputs the type of an object.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('file')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('paths', nargs='+') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): rows = [] for path in args.paths: obj = self.traverse(path) if not obj: self.write("No such object: %s\n" % path) else: rows.append(self._do_file(path, obj)) if not rows: return width = max(len(i[0]) for i in rows) for row in rows: self.write("%s %s" % (row[0].ljust(width), row[1]))
def _do_file(self, path, obj): ifaces = ', '.join(obj.get_features()) return (path + ":", "%s%s %s\n" % (type(removeSecurityProxy(obj)).__name__, ':' if ifaces else '', ifaces)) @db.ro_transact(proxy=False)
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple(self.traverse(path) for path in args.paths)
[docs]class EchoCmd(Cmd): """Outputs the command line arguments.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('echo')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('strings', nargs='*') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.write("%s\n" % (" ".join(args.strings)))
[docs]class HelpCmd(Cmd): """Outputs the names of all commands.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('help') @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() choices = [ for i in (yield self._commands())] parser.add_argument('command', nargs='?', choices=choices, help="command to get help for") defer.returnValue(parser)
[docs] def execute(self, args): if args.command: yield self._cmd_help(args.command) else: cmd_names = ', '.join(sorted(i._format_names() for i in (yield self._commands()))) self.write("valid commands: %s\n" % cmd_names)
@db.transact def _cmd_help(self, name): # for some reason I wasn't able to use inlineCallbacks here # the ArgumentParsing exception is normal and expected deferred = self.protocol.get_command_class(name)(self.protocol).parse_args(['-h']) @deferred def on_error(*args): pass @db.transact def _commands(self): dummy = NoCommand(self.protocol) cmds = [] for d in self.protocol.environment['PATH'].split(':'): for i in dummy.traverse(d) or []: if ICommand.providedBy(i): cmds.append(i.cmd) return cmds
[docs]class QuitCmd(Cmd): """Quits the console.""" command('quit')
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.protocol.close_connection()
[docs]class LastErrorCmd(Cmd): """Prints out the last error. Useful for devs, and users reporting to issue tracker. (Inspired by xsbt) """ command('last_error')
[docs] def execute(self, args): if self.protocol.last_error: cmdline, failure = self.protocol.last_error self.write("Error executing '%s': %s\n" % (cmdline, failure)) import traceback self.write("error type %s\n" % (type(failure))) self.write(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*failure)))
[docs]class HistoryCmd(Cmd): """Prints the shell history.""" command('history')
[docs] def execute(self, args): for i in self.protocol.historyLines: self.write("%s\n" % i)
[docs]class PrintEnvCmd(Cmd): """Prints the environment variables.""" command('printenv')
[docs] def execute(self, args): for name, value in self.protocol.environment.items(): self.write("%s=%s\n" % (name, value))
[docs]class SetEnvCmd(Cmd): """Modifies the environment variables.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('setenv')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('name') parser.add_argument('value') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.protocol.environment[] = args.value
[docs]class SleepCmd(Cmd): """Do nothing for some time.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('sleep')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('seconds') return parser # actually not db, but requires a thread
[docs] def execute(self, args): time.sleep(float(args.seconds))
[docs]class TaskListCmd(Cmd): """Emulates 'ps' command, including bsd args.""" command('ps') implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax)
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('bsd', nargs='*', help="Ignored bsd args, for those who have unix type habits (e.g. 'ps xa')") parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', help="Show recently finished (dead) tasks.") parser.add_argument('-l', action='store_true', help="Show parent task id") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): # ignore arguments tasks = Proc().tasks if args.d: tasks = Proc().dead_tasks max_key_len = max(3, *[len(i) for i in Proc().content().keys()]) max_user_len = max(3, *[len( for i in Proc().content().values() if getattr(i, 'principal', None)]) self.write("%s %s%s TIME CMD\n" % ("TID".rjust(max_key_len), "PTID ".rjust(max_key_len) if args.l else '', "USER ".ljust(max_user_len))) for tid, task in tasks.items(): ptid = task.ptid self.write("%s %s %s %s %s\n" % (tid.rjust(max_key_len), (ptid + ' ').rjust(max_key_len) if args.l else '', ( if task.principal else '-').ljust(max_user_len), datetime.timedelta(0, int(task.uptime)), task.cmdline))
[docs]class KillTaskCmd(Cmd): """Implement the kill command which can send signals to tasks.""" command('kill') implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax)
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('tid', nargs='*', help="Task id") parser.add_argument('-STOP', action='store_true', help="Pauses the task") parser.add_argument('-CONT', action='store_true', help="Unpauses the task") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): for tid in args.tid: task = self.find_task(tid) if not task: self.write("Cannot find task `%s`\n" % tid) continue if args.STOP: action = "STOP" elif args.CONT: action = "CONT" else: action = "TERM" task.signal(action)
[docs] def find_task(self, tid): tasks = Proc().tasks if re.match('[0-9]+$', tid): return tasks[tid] else: candidates = [] for i in tasks.values(): if tid in str(i.cmdline): candidates.append(i) if len(candidates) == 1: return candidates[0] return None
[docs]class OmsShellCmd(Cmd): """This command represents the oms shell. Currently it cannot run a nested shell.""" command('omsh')
[docs] def execute(self, args): self.write("nested shell not implemented yet.\n")
[docs]class TerminalResetCmd(Cmd): """Resets terminal. Useful after interrupting an attach.""" implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command("reset")
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-p', action='store_true', help="Reset private modes") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): if args.p: self.protocol.terminal.resetPrivateModes('1') return self.protocol.terminal.reset() self.terminal.setModes((modes.IRM, ))
[docs]class EditCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command("edit")
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('path') parser.add_argument('-n', action='store_true', help="No descriptions") return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): obj = yield db.ro_transact(self.traverse)(args.path) if not obj: self.write("No such object: %s\n" % args.path) return editor = Editor(self.protocol) old = IEditable(obj).toEditableString(descriptions=not args.n) updated = yield editor.start(old) yield self._save(args, old, updated)
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple((self.traverse(args.path),))
@db.transact def _save(self, args, old, updated): obj = self.traverse(args.path) if old == updated: self.write("No changes\n") else: raw_data = {} for line in updated.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): key, value = line.split('=', 1) raw_data[key.strip()] = value.strip() form = ApplyRawData(raw_data, obj) if not form.errors: form.apply() else: form.write_errors(to=self) transaction.commit()
[docs]class IdCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('id') @db.ro_transact(proxy=False)
[docs] def subject(self, args): return tuple()
[docs] def arguments(self): return VirtualConsoleArgumentParser()
[docs] def execute(self, args): interaction = self.protocol.interaction if not interaction: return self.write('user: oms.anonymous\n') for participation in interaction.participations: user = participation.principal groups = user.groups self.write('user: %s\n' 'groups: %s\n' 'effective_principals: %s\n' % (, ' '.join(map(str, groups)), ' '.join(map(lambda p:, effective_principals(user)))))
[docs]class CatLogCmd(Cmd): implements(ICmdArgumentsSyntax) command('catlog')
[docs] def arguments(self): parser = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-n', help='Number of lines to output') return parser
[docs] def execute(self, args): from opennode.oms.config import get_config logfilename = get_config().get('logging', 'file') if logfilename == 'stdout': log.msg('System is configured to log to stdout. Cannot cat to omsh terminal', system='catlog') defer.returnValue(None) nr_of_lines = int(args.n) if args.n is not None else 10 outputCb = utils.getProcessOutput("tail", args=('-n %s' % nr_of_lines, logfilename), errortoo=True) outputCb.addCallback(lambda output: self.write(output)) yield outputCb

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