Source code for opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmd.base

from grokcore.component import Subscription, implements, context, queryOrderedSubscriptions
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.python.threadable import isInIOThread
from zope.component import queryAdapter

from opennode.oms.endpoint.ssh.cmdline import (ICmdArgumentsSyntax, IContextualCmdArgumentsSyntax,
                                               VirtualConsoleArgumentParser, ArgumentParsingError,
from opennode.oms.model.model.proc import Proc
from opennode.oms.model.traversal import traverse_path
from import proxy_factory
from opennode.oms.zodb import db, proxy
from opennode.oms.zodb.extractors import IContextExtractor

[docs]class Cmd(object): def __init__(self, protocol): self.protocol = protocol self.terminal = protocol.terminal self.write_buffer = None @defer.inlineCallbacks def __call__(self, *args): """Subclasses should override this if they need raw arguments.""" parsed = yield defer.maybeDeferred(self.parse_args, args) yield self.execute(parsed)
[docs] def execute(args): """Subclasses should override this if they need parsed arguments."""
@classmethod def _format_names(cls): if cls.aliases: return '{ %s }' % ' | '.join([] + cls.aliases) else: return def _make_arg_parser(self, parents, partial=False): parser_class = VirtualConsoleArgumentParser if not partial else PartialVirtualConsoleArgumentParser return parser_class(prog=self._format_names(), file=self.protocol.terminal, add_help=True, prefix_chars='-=', parents=parents) @defer.inlineCallbacks def _parent_parsers(self): parser_confs = queryOrderedSubscriptions(self, ICmdArgumentsSyntax) if ICmdArgumentsSyntax.providedBy(self): parser_confs.append(self) parsers = [] for conf in parser_confs: p = yield conf.arguments() parsers.append(p) defer.returnValue(parsers) @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def arg_parser(self, partial=False): """Returns the argument parser for this command. Use partial=True if you want to tolerate incomplete last token and avoid executing help action (e.g. during completion). """ parents = yield self._parent_parsers() defer.returnValue(self._make_arg_parser(parents, partial=partial))
[docs] def contextual_arg_parser(self, args, partial=False): """If command offers a contextual parser, use it, otherwise fall back to a normal parser.""" parser = yield self.arg_parser(partial=partial) contextual = queryAdapter(self, IContextualCmdArgumentsSyntax) if contextual: try: # We have to use a partial parser for this, because: # a) help printing is inhibited # b) it won't print errors # c) it will ignore mandatory arguments (e.g. if the context is not the only mandatory arg). partial_parser = yield self.arg_parser(partial=True) parsed, rest = partial_parser.parse_known_args(args) except ArgumentParsingError: # Fall back to uncontextualied parsed in case of parsing errors. # This happens when the "context defining" argument is declared as mandatory # but it's not yet present on the command line. defer.returnValue(parser) contextual_parser = yield contextual.arguments(parser, parsed, rest) defer.returnValue(contextual_parser) defer.returnValue(parser)
[docs] def parse_args(self, args): """Parse command line arguments. Return a deferred.""" parser = yield self.contextual_arg_parser(args) defer.returnValue(parser.parse_args(args))
@property def path(self): """ Current working directory """ return self.protocol.path @path.setter
[docs] def path(self, path): self.protocol.path = path
@property def obj_path(self): return self.protocol.obj_path @obj_path.setter
[docs] def obj_path(self, path): self.protocol.obj_path = path
[docs] def current_obj(self): return self.traverse('/'.join(self.protocol.path) if self.protocol.path != [''] else '/')
[docs] def write(self, *args): """Ensure that all writes are serialized regardless if the command is executing in another thread. """ if self.write_buffer is not None and hasattr(self.write_buffer, 'append'): self.write_buffer.append(' '.join(map(str, args))) deferredMethod = (reactor.callFromThread if not isInIOThread() else defer.maybeDeferred) # XXX: HACK: force str for the first param to avoid UnicodeDecodeError happening in Conch return deferredMethod(self.terminal.write, str(args[0]), *args[1:])
[docs] def traverse_full(self, path): if path.startswith('/'): return traverse_path(db.get_root()['oms_root'], path[1:]) else: return traverse_path(self.current_obj, path)
[docs] def traverse(self, path): objs, unresolved_path = self.traverse_full(path) if not objs or unresolved_path: return elif self.protocol.use_security_proxy: return proxy_factory(objs[-1], self.protocol.interaction) else: return objs[-1]
[docs] def subject(self, args): """ Provide the subject of the command (usually free arguments and/or current directory path)""" return tuple()
[docs] def subject_from_raw(self, args): """Subclasses should override this if they need raw arguments.""" parsed = yield defer.maybeDeferred(self.parse_args, args) subject = yield defer.maybeDeferred(self.subject, parsed) defer.returnValue(subject)
[docs] def register(self, d, args, command_line, ptid=None): subj = yield defer.maybeDeferred(self.subject_from_raw, args) # XXX: for some reason, when I let subject to be a generator instance, I get an empty # generator in the ComputeTasks container, while it magically works when I save it as a tuple # under item.subject if type(subj) is proxy.PersistentProxy: subj = subj.remove_persistent_proxy() assert type(subj) is tuple, "subject of '%s' must be a tuple, got %s" % (, type(subj)) = Proc.register(d, subj, command_line, ptid, write_buffer=self.write_buffer) defer.returnValue(
[docs] def unregister(self): Proc.unregister(
[docs]class CommandContextExtractor(Subscription): implements(IContextExtractor) context(Cmd)
[docs] def get_context(self): return {'interaction': self.context.protocol.interaction}

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