Source code for opennode.oms.daemon

import argparse
import os
import opennode
import random
import subprocess
import string
import sys

from contextlib import closing

from opennode.oms.config import get_config_cmdline, get_config
from opennode.oms.zodb.db import IBeforeDatabaseInitializedEvent
from opennode.utils import autoreload

from grokcore.component import subscribe
from twisted.scripts import twistd
from twisted.runner.procmon import ProcessMonitor
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python import log

_daemon_started = False

[docs]def get_base_dir(): """Locates the base directory containing opennode/oms.tac""" for i in opennode.__path__: base_dir = os.path.dirname(i) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_dir, 'opennode/oms.tac')): return base_dir raise Exception("cannot find base_dir")
[docs]def run_zeo(db): """Spawns a zeo daemon and restart it if it crashes""" runzeo = 'bin/runzeo' # XXX: compat mode for buildout-less runs if not os.path.exists('bin/runzeo'): runzeo = 'runzeo' pm = ProcessMonitor() pm.addProcess('zeo', ['/bin/sh', '-c', '%s -f %s/data.fs -a %s/socket >%s/zeo.log 2>&1' % (runzeo, db, db, db)], env=os.environ) pm.startService()
[docs]def ensure_zeo_is_running(event): """We start zeo after the application has performed the basic initialization because we cannot import opennode.oms.zodb.db until all grokkers are run in the correct order. """ if get_config().get('db', 'storage_type') != 'zeo': return log.msg("Ensuring ZEO is running", system='db') # prevent zeo starting during unit tests etc global _daemon_started if not _daemon_started: return from opennode.oms.zodb.db import get_db_dir db_dir = get_db_dir() from zc.lockfile import LockFile, LockError try: with closing(LockFile(os.path.join(db_dir, 'data.fs.lock'))): log.msg("Starting ZEO server", system='db') run_zeo(db_dir) except LockError: log.msg("ZEO is already running", system='db')
[docs]def run_app(): """Runs the application using opennode/oms.tac""" config = twistd.ServerOptions() config.parseOptions(['-ny', '%s/opennode/oms.tac' % (get_base_dir(),)]) twistd._SomeApplicationRunner(config).run()
[docs]def run_debugger(args): module_file = sys.modules[__name__].__file__ if args.debug: log.msg("Waiting for debugger connection. Please attach a debugger, e.g.:", system='db') log.msg("winpdb --attach %s" % (module_file), system='db') import rpdb2 rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger(args.debug) if args.winpdb: rid = random.randint(1, 100000) pw = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in xrange(8)) with closing(open(os.path.expanduser('~/.rpdb2_settings/passwords/%s' % rid), 'w')) as f: f.write(pw) log.msg("Spawning winpdb", system='db') subprocess.Popen(['winpdb', '--rid', str(rid), '--attach', module_file]) log.msg("Waiting for debugger connection", system='db') import rpdb2 rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger(pw)
[docs]def run(): """Starts the child zeo process and then starts the twisted reactor running OMS""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Start OMS') parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true', help='start in development mode with autorestart') parser.add_argument('--db', help='overrides db directory') parser.add_argument('--log', help='log file') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='verbose logs') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--debug', help='waits for remote pdb attach using supplied password') group.add_argument('--winpdb', action='store_true', help='spawns winpdb and automaticall attach') args = parser.parse_args() conf = get_config_cmdline() if args.db: if not conf.has_section('db'): conf.add_section('db') conf.set('db', 'path', args.db) if args.log: if not conf.has_section('logging'): conf.add_section('logging') conf.set('logging', 'file', args.log) basedir = conf.get_base_dir() if basedir: os.chdir(basedir) defer.setDebugging(args.v) run_debugger(args) global _daemon_started _daemon_started = True if args and args.d: autoreload.main(run_app) else: run_app()

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