Source code for opennode.oms.config

import os
import sys

from ConfigParser import ConfigParser, Error as ConfigKeyError
from contextlib import closing
from cStringIO import StringIO
from grokcore.component import Subscription, implements, context, querySubscriptions
from grokcore.component.testing import grok
from zope.interface import Interface

import opennode.oms

_config = None
_loaded_config_requirements = []

[docs]def get_config(): global _config if not _config: # ensure that our config file subscription adapter has been grokked # this is tricky because we need a configuration object at the very # beginning of the startup sequence if not querySubscriptions(object(), IRequiredConfigurationFiles): grok('opennode.oms.config') _config = OmsConfig() return _config
[docs]def get_config_cmdline(): """Special config parser for options overridden from command line""" return _cmdline_override
[docs]def update(): """Update a config file reload""" _config.update()
class IRequiredConfigurationFiles(Interface): def config_file_names(): """Used by plugins to define which are the required configuration files """
[docs]class OMSRequiredConfigurationFiles(Subscription): implements(IRequiredConfigurationFiles) context(object)
[docs] def config_file_names(self): return gen_config_file_names(opennode.oms, 'oms')
[docs]def gen_config_file_names(module, name): """Generate a list of standard configuration files for a given software package: defaults contained in egg, configuration file in current directory (usually installation dir), and user override """ base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module.__path__[0])) return [i % name for i in ['%s/opennode-%%s.conf' % base_dir, './opennode-%s.conf', '/etc/opennode/opennode-%s.conf']]
[docs]class OmsBaseConfig(ConfigParser): NO_DEFAULT = object()
[docs] def getboolean(self, section, option, default=NO_DEFAULT): try: return ConfigParser.getboolean(self, section, option) except ConfigKeyError: if default is not self.NO_DEFAULT: return default print "CANNOT FIND CONF KEY", section, option raise
[docs] def getint(self, section, option, default=NO_DEFAULT): try: return ConfigParser.getint(self, section, option) except ConfigKeyError: if default is not self.NO_DEFAULT: return default print "CANNOT FIND CONF KEY", section, option raise
[docs] def getfloat(self, section, option, default=NO_DEFAULT): try: return ConfigParser.getfloat(self, section, option) except ConfigKeyError: if default is not self.NO_DEFAULT: return default print "CANNOT FIND CONF KEY", section, option raise
[docs] def getstring(self, section, option, default=NO_DEFAULT): try: return ConfigParser.get(self, section, option) except ConfigKeyError: if default is not self.NO_DEFAULT: return default print "CANNOT FIND CONF KEY", section, option raise
[docs] def get_base_dir(self): return self.getstring("general", "base_dir", os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
_cmdline_override = OmsBaseConfig()
[docs]class OmsConfig(OmsBaseConfig): NO_DEFAULT = object() def __init__(self, config_filenames=NO_DEFAULT): ConfigParser.__init__(self) self.update(config_filenames)
[docs] def update(self, config_filenames=NO_DEFAULT): if config_filenames == self.NO_DEFAULT: conf_requirements = [i for i in querySubscriptions(object(), IRequiredConfigurationFiles) if type(i) not in _loaded_config_requirements] config_filenames = [] for i in [i.config_file_names() for i in conf_requirements]: config_filenames.extend(i) for i in conf_requirements: _loaded_config_requirements.append(type(i)) # user override must be last config_filenames.append('~/.opennode-oms.conf') # XXX: it would be nice to be able to print out these via some cmdline switch to omsd # print "Reading config files", ', '.join(config_filenames)[os.path.expanduser(i) for i in config_filenames]) with closing(StringIO()) as s: _cmdline_override.write(s) self.readfp(StringIO(s.getvalue()))

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